Registration Fee:
A one time registration fee of $30 is due upon enrollment before the start of care. This fee will hold your spot for the agreed upon schedule and will cover any supplies that the provider may need to purchase for your child before care begins.
Fees are based on booked days, not attendance. Refunds and credits will only be given if this establishment has to close unexpectedly on a day you are scheduled to attend and will not be given for days where you choose for your child/ren not to attend. Cash, check, and major credit cards (+ $1 service fee) are accepted forms of payment.
Please remember that although taking care of your children brings us joy, it is also a business and source of income for our family. Please pay on time.
- Full Time – (4-5 days per week, Monday – Friday) up to 10 hours per day
One child $275 per week
Additional Children + $125 per child, per week
- Part Time – (2-3 days with a set schedule) up to 10 hours per day
One child $70 per day
Additional Children + $30 per child, per day
Drop-in Care:
I may be available for drop in care based on availability. Arrangements and payment can be made in advance to ensure that there is an opening on a day outside of your regular schedule.
- Hourly – up to 5 hours per day
One child $15 per hour
Additional Children + $5 per child, per hour - Day – up to 10 hours per day
One child $75 per day
Additional Children + $25 per child, per day
* All rates include snacks, drinks, wipes, nap items, toy up-keep, and supplies (i.e. diaper cream, sunscreen, bandaids, art supplies, etc.) Brands are up to the discretion of the provider, you may provide a specific brand if you would like.
* Parents supply breakfast/lunch, diapers and extra clothes
** Full time schedules take precedence over part time schedules or drop ins. In the event that a prospective family wants a full time schedule, families with part time schedules will be offered a full time position. Families have two weeks to decide whether they wish to accept the full time position or make alternative child care arrangements.
** Part time care requires a minimum of two days and they must be scheduled days. If you would like part time care do not schedule, you will be considered a drop in and will be charged using drop in rates. These spots are based on availability and must be approved and paid for prior to care.
** Drop-in care rates apply to families that need care, but do not schedule specific days. Parent/guardian(s) must call ahead of time to confirm that there is an opening for their child/ren. Registration paperwork and fees must be complete before care is provided. Fees must be paid before care begins and are billed at the drop in rate. There is no guarantee that there will be an open spot.
We reserve the right to change rates as needed at any time. A new contract will be drafted and both parties must sign and date the new contract before care will commence. You will be given a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice prior to any changes in rates.